MAM Manual Breast Pump
Together with medical experts, midwives, and experienced parents, MAM has developed a specially-designed product range for breastfeeding today. There are many reasons to choose to express milk. Firstly, it helps to relieve very full, firm breasts, and a longer nursing break can help to care for sore nipples too. Expressing milk also helps to stimulate milk production, as well as providing an additional supply of milk. Finally, it allows for a part or complete switch to bottle feeding in order to become more flexible or to involve a partner more in the process. For babies that already have a breastfeeding routine, switching to a bottle is usually very easy. The touch of the bottle teat initiates the same sucking reflex as the breast tip, and if the bottle feels nice and is offered as lovingly as the breast, the milk given this way is welcome. The MAM Manual Breast Pump is a good blend of function and design. MAM has developed this breast pump with real attention to detail and it can be adapted to your individual needs. There are three reasons why expressing milk with the manual breast pump is very pleasant and simple. Suction Controller – This allows the suction strength to be adjusted easily to your individual preference. When it’s turned all the way to the right, the vacuum is held for up to three seconds. In this position, lots of milk can be expressed quickly and easily. Adjustable Funnel with Soft Breast Pads – The funnel is angled slightly and can be turned all the way round. This allows you to set the position that you find most comfortable. Soft breast pads in the funnel provide a secure fit and a pleasant sensation on the skin. Ease of Use – Manual breast pump consists of just four parts. It’s therefore very quick and easy to assemble and clean. Pack contains: 1x Transparent Adaptor including soft funnel 1x Manual Pump Handle 1x Funnel Cover 1x Easy Start bottle with sealing disc – 160ml/5.5 oz The design on the bottle may vary, for the individual touch that MAM offers.
29.99 £ 40.00 £