Extravagant Earl Grey Mini Caddy
Whittard of Chelsea
With its distinct bergamot aroma and delicate taste, we all know Earl Grey as the classic British afternoon tea. If you're looking for something a little more lavish you'll love our innovative white tea variety with its elegant confetti of petals. We've selected a fine Chinese white tea for its purity of taste, providing the perfect backdrop for more flamboyant flavours. The tea's natural sweetness makes it the perfect match for creamy Madagascan vanilla and the young leaves and buds blend beautifully with colourful rose, marigold and cornflower petals. Flavours of bergamot hint at that classic Earl Grey taste, but this is an altogether softer, sweeter style of tea - you'll find it's just the thing to jazz up teatime. The typical taste of a classic Earl Grey might seem to be set in stone, but in fact it's always been open to experimentation. The story goes that Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, was first given the tea when he saved the life of the son of a Chinese Mandarin. When he ran out of supplies he asked for his favourite Chinese tea to be recreated by London tea blenders. The experimentation hasn't stopped since.
3.50 £ 7.00 £